

The information below is designed to answer any questions 你 might have about living 澳门赌场在线娱乐大学的校园里. 如果你有一个特定的问题,找不到 answer here, please feel free to contact us at (570) 408-4350 or reslife@mediagate-egy.net.

All incoming first 一年 学生 are required to 住在校园里 for their first two 澳门赌场在线娱乐大学待了几年. 国际学生和转学生不需要这样做 住在校园里.

Should 你 choose to join our residential 社区, we are more than excited to welcome 你! 以下是完成申请的步骤. 请注意,所有住宅 学生需要选择一份膳食计划. 了解更多关于 餐饮服务 在学校的网站上.


In order to receive housing accommodations for the Spring 2024 semester, 你 will 需要完成住房申请. 此申请将要求您确认 2023-2024年住房 & 餐饮合同. 你可能会回顾2023-2024年的住房和 餐饮合同 prior to filling out the online application by selecting the button 下图:

2023-2024年食宿合同 (.pdf)

Please follow these step-by-step instructions on how to complete 你r housing application:

  1. 登录 房屋自助服务页面 外部网站.
  2. 在新屏幕上,选择 应用程序 侧边菜单栏上的选项卡.
  3. 选择最适合你的住房申请.
    1. First 一年 student: admitted as a first 一年 student, with no previous (or limited) 大学经历.
    2. Transfer student: admitted as a transfer student, with several semesters of previous 大学经历.
    3. Returning student: someone currently a student at 澳门赌场在线娱乐, despite whether 你以前在学校住过.
  4. Follow the flow of the application, starting with an electronic signature and completing 所有问题,包括选择膳食计划.
  5. 当您的应用程序完成后,选择 提交. 你应该会收到一封确认邮件. 如果有的话,保存这封邮件 你的应用程序有问题!

Wherever possible, we will attempt to honor any requests for housing types for transfer 学生. In addition, we typically will try to pair transfer 学生 with other transfer 学生 or returning 学生 to assist with 你r transition to the Wilkes 社区.


In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 澳门赌场在线娱乐 has established procedures to ensure that 学生 with documented disabilities have equal access to housing resources and receive housing assignments that reasonably meet their needs as required by law. 我们会尽力的 to honor any housing accommodations that we receive, but please be aware that we are 仅限于我们春季学期开放的空间. 请联系Katy Betnar, 凯蒂.betnar@mediagate-egy.net, 有任何残疾人士住宿要求.


  • 单人床1张(床垫和床架)
  • 1台
  • 1把桌椅
  • 1梳妆台
  • 衣橱或壁橱,视房间而定
  • Everything that a student finds in a room must stay in the room. 家具则不行 be moved from the room, as there are no available storage spaces.

我们宿舍的床垫是超长的(36“x80”). 超长床单是 最好的选择,以确保良好的配合!

住宿生活办公室与DormCo合作. 为我们的学生提供 a convenient, affordable way to purchase extra-long sheets and bedding items. 收益 from this program go to the Inter-Residence Hall Council and are used for programming 在学生宿舍. 请浏览RHL网站 DormCo.com/Wilkes 外部网站 了解更多信息!


  • 闹钟
  • 咖啡机(自动)
  • 电脑
  • 台灯(无卤素)
  • 粉丝
  • 微波
  • 广播/立体声
  • 冰箱(5.0 cu. Ft. 最大)
  • 电视


  • 用砂锅
  • 乔治·福尔曼烤架
  • 卤素灯
  • 加热线圈
  • 迷你烤架
  • 烤箱
We have either wireless network or a combination of wireless and ethernet ports in 学生宿舍. Further information will be given to the student when they arrive 在欢迎周末的时候! 每栋宿舍楼都配有无线网络 也.
不提供电话. 在大多数情况下,学生使用他们的手机.
Housekeepers are employed by the University to clean the common spaces: hallways, 浴室和休息室. 任何不能从公共走廊进入的浴室 将不会由我们的大学设施职员清洁. 他们是责任所在 学生共用浴室的照片. 
Washers and dryers are located within the laundry rooms 在学生宿舍 and 它们是免费的!


下面列出了一些常见的室友问题的来源. 室友应该讨论 these issues at the beginning of the semester, thereby avoiding communication breakdowns 在学年期间. 室友必须记住,妥协是必要的,也是唯一的 by communicating with each other will roommates solve any problems.

  1. Daily schedule — sleeping times, quiet hours, TV viewing, mealtime, study conditions
  2. Housekeeping — making beds, vacuuming, picking up clothes, interior decoration
  3. 锁和钥匙——被锁在外面,让门开着
  4. 访问ation — friends in the room, parties, privacy, overnight guests
  5. 个人习惯——锻炼、边学习边看电视等.
  6. Phone use — taking phone calls in the room and what that is okay.
  7. Sharing — territorial imperatives, saying “please,” respect for other’s property
  8. Moods — grouchiness, silliness, depression, taking things out on 你r roommate, early 早起的人
  9. 价值观——偏见、宗教、哲学、政治

The relationship 你 develop with 你r roommate will have a significant effect on 你在宿舍生活的经历. 每个宿舍的学生都有这个权利 他或她的室友会有以下行为:

  1. The right to read and study in one’s room without unreasonable noise and other distractions
  2. The right to sleep without undue disturbance from guests of roommates, noise, etc.
  3. The right to expect that a roommate will respect one’s personal possessions
  4. 在清洁环境中生活的权利
  5. The right to free access to one’s room without pressure from one’s roommate
  6. The right to entertain guests with the expectation that guests will respect the rights 房东的室友和其他宿舍居民的照片
  7. 不受恐吓和伤害的权利
  8. 讨论冤屈的权利

A resident student must accept the responsibility for confronting other residents 当该居民侵犯其权利时. 如果一个学生有困难 doing so, the 居住生活 Staff will gladly assist in such matters.


住宿学生可以有访客. 所有宿舍都上锁了 一天24小时. Only residents of the building can gain access with their ID card 或者前门钥匙. 访问ors must be escorted at all times and residents are fully 对访问者的行为负责. 关于访问的其他信息 政策可在学生手册中查阅.

In order to maintain our facilities and manage air quality for 学生 with allergies, pets (other than fish in a 10-gallon or smaller tank) are not permitted in the residence 大厅.

In support of student health and safety, smoking and vaping are strictly prohibited 在校园的所有建筑里. 在大学建筑外吸烟必须是最低限度的 离任何入口6英尺.

一年级学生可以开车进校园. 学生可停车 只能在分配给他们的地段. 停车许可证是必需的 在暑期迎新会期间提供服务. 我们建议你先在拉尔斯顿机场停车 一年! Parking is NOT guaranteed and 学生 should not bring a car to 校园 if they 是否未获发停车许可证. 请浏览我们的 泊车服务网页 了解更多信息.

是的! All full-time undergraduate 学生 in their first two 澳门赌场在线娱乐大学待了几年, who do not commute from the home of their parent or legal guardian, must reside on 校园. Students who have been at Wilkes for more than two 一年s may reside off 校园. A commutable distance is defined as being no greater than 50 miles away from 校园.