Technical Standards

申请和注册药学院的学生应该阅读: acknowledge, and understand these technical standards. They describe non-academic 入学、继续和毕业所需的能力 the School of Pharmacy to obtain a Pharm.D. degree.

A candidate must have abilities and skills in the following five areas:

  1. Observational skills
  2. Communication skills
  3. Motor skills
  4. Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative and Quantitative skills
  5. Behavioral and Social skills.

药学院提供了技术标准的详细说明 Application or by contacting the School of Pharmacy Dean's office.

Health Record Requirements

During the Pharm.D. curriculum, students will be required to provide up-to-date health and vaccine records. Most experiential sites will require CDC recommended vaccinations for healthcare workers. Per individual experiential site requirements, students must 完成传染病免疫和健康状况评估测试 (e.g. PPD测试),提交并清除所有必要的犯罪背景调查和毒品 testing.

专业学生体验政策的合规要求包含额外的 information. It is located online in the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Handbook (.pdf) or may also be requested by reaching out to the Pharmacy Dean’s Suite at 570-408-4298. 学生还必须满足获得宾夕法尼亚药房实习生的所有要求 license.  学生负责他们的交通到临床经验 sites.

Observation necessitates the functional use of all senses. Students are expected to 利用这些感官在远处和近处进行观察. 在整个药剂学课程中,学生将被要求观察示范 并在基础和医药科学实验,除了展示 medical illustrations.

在病人护理方面,学生必须能够观察语言和非语言 signals. 观察能力包括辨别与病人评估相关的声音 and treatment, as well as evaluating physical patient signs and symptoms. 

有效的沟通包括利用在药房获得的知识 用口语引出、传达、澄清和交流信息的教育过程 and written English quickly, effectively, efficiently, and sensitively. Students are 期望与患者、医疗保健提供者、教育工作者进行此类交流 staff, and fellow students. Students must possess the ability to appropriately recognize and respond to nonverbal and emotional communication cues.

此外,学生必须为患者提供教育和指导信息 和照顾者以适当的方式,考虑到卫生素养,文化和 socioeconomic factors. 

为了完成粗细的肌肉动作,学生必须具备必要的 hand eye coordination and neuromuscular control. Students must be able to execute 及时进行日常护理和紧急情况所必需的运动; including but not limited to cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid. Necessary 运动功能包括进行身体评估活动的能力, such as auscultation, percussion, and other diagnostic maneuvers. Students are expected 进行基本的实验室检查,如血脂和血糖筛查,以及 administer immunizations.

为了履行药剂师的职能,学生必须能够执行 合成:合成、制备和分配无菌和非无菌药品所需的运动 dosage forms. Motor skill requirements include the utilization of current computer-based 药品信息检索与评价技术,以及编制 and presentation of oral and written reports. 

为了成功地驾驭一个严谨而激烈的教学和体验 课程设置上,学生必须能够通过各种教育有效地学习 教学模式如课堂教学、小组讨论和独立 study. 严格而紧张的课程要求学生具备快速思考的能力 在掌握广阔而复杂的主体的同时,准确地组织起来 of knowledge that comprises pharmacy education.

学生应该综合,分析,解释,整合,处理,测量, 并计算科学和临床信息,以及理解三维 关系和理解结构的空间关系,这是嵌入式的 in laboratory and clinical settings. In order to ensure self-assessment and improvement, 学生必须能够认识到个人知识的不足和局限性 确定需要进一步研究这些缺陷或限制的情况 well as develop and carry out an improvement plan. 

学生应该在任何时候都表现出专业的举止,并坚持 the Code of Ethics, with emphasis on integrity and honesty. In order to progress through 严格的教学和体验式课程,学生必须具备较高的水平 of motivation. Furthermore, students are expected to be able to endure and function 在身体上,智力上,情感上的繁重工作和 situations.

药学教育的本质要求其具备适应环境变化的能力 并在接受建设性的同时,在各种教育环境中表现出灵活性 criticism maturely and modifying future behavior accordingly. Students must demonstrate 同理心,耐心,尊重,以及对他人幸福的真正兴趣 providing care to a diverse patient population.  Students will communicate and care 对于文化、性取向或精神信仰不同的人 from their own in a non-judgmental way. The development of strong interpersonal skills is expected in order to build meaningful relationships with patients.   

药学院致力于帮助残疾学生完成学业 通过合理的途径获得药学博士学位的课程 accommodations. Reasonable accommodations are services provided to individuals with 消除或减轻残疾相关障碍影响的残疾.  Individuals without documented disabilities are not eligible for accommodations.

残疾考生,根据澳门赌场在线娱乐的政策,并作为 根据1973年职业康复法案第504条的规定以及美国人 1993年的残疾法案,他们可以寻求帮助,以满足技术要求 标准是鼓励联系大学学院讨论什么是合理的 如果有的话,药学院可以为候选人安排住宿 to meet the standards. A student with a disability who requests accommodations will 必须以书面形式提交此请求并提供相关证明文件 in accordance with Wilkes University policies. Candidates are not required to disclose any information regarding technical standards to the Admissions Committee.