Dr. 特洛伊·林恩·刘易斯


(570) 408-4977

特洛伊·林恩·刘易斯 is an alumna of the 澳门赌场在线娱乐 Nesbitt School of Pharmacy. She joined the Department of 药房实践 after completing pharmacy practice residency training in the ambulatory care setting at Carolinas HealthCare System- 东北. Her clinical practice site is at The Wright Center for Primary Care Mid 宾夕法尼亚州杰米恩的山谷.

  • Doctor of Pharmacy, 澳门赌场在线娱乐 Nesbitt School of Pharmacy, 2017
  • 药房实践 Resident in the Ambulatory Care Setting, Carolinas HealthCare System- 东北部,2018
  • 注册药剂师PA和NC
  • 药师教师证书
  • 美国心理健康急救认证
  • 基本生命支持(CPR和AED)认证
  • 高级糖尿病管理委员会认证
  • 基于药物的免疫递送教员培训师
  • 糖尿病预防计划生活方式教练
  • 药剂师 & 以患者为中心的糖尿病护理认证
  • Kappa Psi医药兄弟会成员
  • 宾夕法尼亚州药剂师协会会员
  • 美国药剂师协会会员
  • 卡罗莱纳步道营:美国糖尿病协会
  • 澳门赌场在线娱乐学生生活和媒体委员会
  • 澳门赌场在线娱乐邦纳领导项目顾问
  • 澳门赌场在线娱乐多样性、包容性和公平性委员会
  • Wilkes Teacher Recognition and Effectiveness Committee (2020-2024, co-chair 2021-2022)
  • Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Strategic Planning Committee (chair 2024-2025)
  • Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and 可访问性 Task Force 椅子(2022 - 2024)
  • Phi Lambda Sigma学院顾问,Beta Psi分会
  • 儿科药房倡导小组教师顾问
  • 书写你未来的指导老师(2018-2023)
  • Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Assessment Committee (2018-2022, chair 2019-2021)
  • 自由营:美国糖尿病协会
  • Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Teacher of the Year, Class of 2025 (May 2024)
  • American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Minority 教师 Special Interest Group 杰出领导奖(2024年4月)
  • Script Your Future Medication Adherence Team Challenge National Award, 教师 Advisor (2022年7月)
  • Script Your Future Medication Adherence Team Challenge Media Outreach Award, 教师 顾问(2021年6月)
  • 澳门赌场在线娱乐多元化教师奖(2021年5月)
  • 澳门赌场在线娱乐TREC杰出新教师奖(2020年5月)
  • Script Your Future Medication Adherence Team Challenge Rookie Award, 教师 Advisor (2019年5月)
  • Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Teacher of the Year, Class of 2020 (2019年5月)


  • (1) Lewis TL, Pezzino NC. 药房柜台的糖尿病护理:最新指南 社区药剂师的最新资讯. 美国的药剂师. 2023年8月:第39-49页.
  • (2)张建军,张建军,李建军,等. 系统性种族主义基线评估 药学课程教育. J制药教育公司吗. 2023年,87 (3):ajpe9028. doi: 10.5688 / ajpe9028
  • (2) Walck, Alison, Pharm.D. Candidate; Fox, Deanna, Pharm.D. Candidate; Shah, Vicky, PharmD, BCPS; Lewis, Troy Lynn, Pharm.D.; “Why Did I Join Kappa Psi?“面具. 体积 2019年夏天. 42页.


  • (1)李建平,李建平,李建平. 辅助镇痛策略 the Bedside Clinician and Beyond - An Interdisciplinary Approach to Pain Management. 第30章:病人接受治疗的障碍. 施普林格自然瑞士股份有限公司. (等待 出版)

  • (2)刘立林,阮健. 应用治疗学:药物的临床应用,第12版. 第45章:痛风和高尿酸血症. 威科健康:医学教育.



  • 7月. 2024: Bridging the gap: Enhancing teaching self-efficacy for application (anticipated) and assessment of social determinants of health in clinical reasoning.

    Presentation at the Teacher’s Seminar at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 药学教育2024年年会. 马萨诸塞州的波士顿

  • 2月. 2024: Prescription for Communication: Dosing Patients with Inclusive and Equitable Language.

    Presentation at the 宾西法尼亚 Pharmacists Association Annual Conference, Harrisburg, 宾西法尼亚

  • 11月. 2023: Breaking Bias: Understanding and Addressing Implicit Bias in Health Care

    MJH Life Sciences®, AdvanCE, Pharmacy Times Recorded Webinar, Virtual

  • 7月. 2023: Integration Inspiration: Integrating Systemic Racism Topics into a First-Year Foundational 药学课程.

    Presentation at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Pharmacy 教育 2023年年会(联合主持人:Judith DeLuca, Pharm.D.BCP)

  • 3月. 2023: 打破孕产妇保健中的隐性偏见

    Presentation for pharmacy students and practitioners at the Impact of Implicit Bias in Healthcare Symposium at 澳门赌场在线娱乐 Nesbitt School of Pharmacy, Wilkes-Barre, 宾西法尼亚

  • 3月. 2023: 药剂师在解决系统性种族主义中的作用

    Presentation for The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists DEI Webinar 系列中,虚拟

  • 10月. 2022: 作为药剂师导航交叉性

    Presentation at the 宾西法尼亚 Pharmacists Association Annual Conference (Co-presenter: 肯德尔J. 塔克,药学博士,硕士,BCPS, bccidp),宾夕法尼亚州波科诺庄园

  • 9月. 2022年:杂志俱乐部:皇帝保存

    Presentation for pharmacists and pharmacy students on CEImpact, Virtual

  • 小君. 2022: 药剂师在系统性种族主义中的角色

    Presentation for pharmacists at Royals Regional Residency Conference, Keynote Speaker, 奥尔巴尼,纽约

  • 4月. 2022: 医疗保健中的内隐偏见

    Presentation at the 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Forum for the Greater Wyoming 山谷商会

  • 3月. 2022: Integration Inspiration: Incorporating Systemic Racism and Health Disparities in Pharmacy 教育

    Presentation for pharmacy students and practitioners at the Exploring the Drivers of Structural Racism on Health Inequities and Advocating for Change Symposium at Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy, 位于宾夕法尼亚州

  • 9月. 2021: 药剂师在系统性种族主义中的角色

    Presentation at Presentation at the 宾西法尼亚 Pharmacists Association Annual Conference, 宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡

  • 7月. 2021: 讲授故事的一半:系统性种族主义的案例

    Presentation at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting Virtual Pharmacy 教育 2021 (Co-presenters: Hope Campbell, PharmD, BCPS; Kris Denzel Tupas, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP; 3月ina Kawaguchi-Suzuki, PharmD, PhD, BCPS, BCACP; Edo-abasi U. McGee,药学博士,BCPS), Virtual

  • 7月. 2021: Engaging and Supporting Students to Assist with Vaccine Confidence in Minority Groups 社区内

    Roundtable Presentation at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual 会议虚拟药学教育2021,虚拟

  • 2月. 2021: SGLT2抑制剂与心力衰竭结局

    Presentation at the 宾西法尼亚 Pharmacists Association Annual Conference, Pocono 宾夕法尼亚州的庄园

  • 2月. 2021: 黑人社区对疫苗的信心

    Presentation to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Wilkes-Barre 章,黑人历史月会议,虚拟

  • 2月. 2021: 克服疫苗犹豫

    向Mt报告. 锡安浸信会会员,年度会员大会,虚拟

  • 2月. 2020: 机会之泵:胰岛素泵治疗综述

    宾西法尼亚 Pharmacist Association, Encore Webinar Presentation

  • 11月. 2019: Testing with Technology: An Overview of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices for 糖尿病的管理

    Presentation at the 澳门赌场在线娱乐 Nesbitt School of Pharmacy, the Passan School of Nursing and the Center for Continued Learning, 位于宾夕法尼亚州

  • 9月. 2019: Choosing the Path of Least Resistance: Managing Resistant Hypertension

    Presentation at the 宾西法尼亚 Pharmacists Association Annual Conference, Champion, 宾西法尼亚

  • 9月. 2019: 机会之泵:胰岛素泵治疗综述

    Presentation at the 宾西法尼亚 Pharmacists Association Annual Conference, Champion, 宾西法尼亚

  • 8月. 2019: 打开游戏:互动工具让学习变得有趣

    Presented at the 澳门赌场在线娱乐 Teaching with Technology Week, 位于宾夕法尼亚州